Why and How the Imprints of Trauma Become a Big Deal

Eutaptics is a healing system that utilizes the ability of our memories to be reimprinted. This is because the whole system in which Eutaptics operates is bound to the mechanics of the mind. Robert Smith, created the system with great focus on how the mind operates – how it collects, stores, and interprets information to form a reaction.

It is first very important that we understand these three main processes of the mind before we can understand with profound clarity why traumatic experiences affects almost every important part of our lives.


How does the mind collect information?

The entry or all worthy and unworthy information to the mind is through our senses. It is wrong to assume that our memories are stored only in a form of vision. We are highly intelligent creatures equipped with highly specialized sensory organs. This means, the entry of information to the mind is through all these sensory organs, with visual and auditory as the most dominant.

The human sensory organs in which information is collected by the mind are as follows:

  1. The eyes – vision
  2. The Ears – hearing
  3. The tongue – to taste
  4. Skin – touch
  5. Nose – to smell

In other words, these sensory organs are the receivers of information to enhance our mental perception and ability to identify with and continue to exist safely in the environment we live in.

In some cases, a human may exhibit all these sensory organs to be working efficiently. For some people, some organs are working efficiently while others are among their dull faculties.

Come to think of it, it doesn’t matter much because, the mind is so powerful, it can develop coping skills and enhance further one faculty to work better to cope with whatever is lagging behind. This is very obvious in cases of some people who are born deaf, mute or blind.

The bottom line is, since birth, the mind has begun to collect data through our organs. This is very essential in order to function normally and safely within our environments as we mature.

The ground rules about memories and reimprinting them Robert Smith explains. from Eutaptics on Vimeo.

 How does the mind stores information?

The data that was collected through the sensory organs is processed by the mind in various ways. We will cut through the scientific jargons to make it easier to comprehend.

Besides, Robert Smith believes that in order for information to be well delivered, it has to come from various teachings based on proven models of the mind. Eutaptics is a highly efficient system that combines most powerful knowledge to help people overcome PTSD and many other problems.

All the information collected by the sensory organs is stored in the mind simultaneously across the brain’s cortex. If it is something perceived to be extremely important by the mind, it will be stored as an implicit memory, a form of mental storage that remembers things that are inherent to the person, for example how tall you are, your parents, where you were born, or who are friends and who are foes. There are many other types of memories stored as implicit and most of these are collected and stored during our forming years. Nonetheless, this is a nonstop process until our last day on earth.

On the other hand, other information that we collect and interpret that does not really seem important in the long run will utilize a part of our mind that is commonly called short-term memory. This might be phone numbers of your local pizza delivery, a name of an acquaintance, the headline of a news you read to kill time and many others.

However, absolutely all memories pass through the mind, because of this fact comes the question in perpetuity, “What then cause a memory to be vividly stored in the mind?”

Answer: Emotions at the time of happening.

A memory that carries intense emotions are going to be stored together with other implicit memories. This is because the mind will utilize it for the future. Meaning to say, if an experience is intense in emotions, this will signal the mind to store it implicitly because it is probably something that has to be remembered for the survival of the organism.

This memory is then used like other implicit memories, as the basis of how the person identifies with “self.” Meaning the memory can become part of your inherent belief of who you are. That is why for those who had been victims of unpleasant experiences, it is easy for them to say “I am a victim of (whatever their trauma)” because their minds have adapted to the belief that such an experience is part of their being. We will talk about this in the following section.

How does the mind interpret information to form a reaction?

The mind interprets information after collecting it through sensory organs and forms a reaction. It is the nature of the mind to react to anything, regardless if this reaction is virtuous or pleasant in nature, unpleasant or neutral. But the mind has to react and most of our reactions are happening while we are in “trance” we are not even consciously aware of it.

The main reason we often react in “trance” is because the mental process to form a reaction is so fast. If the mind will be compared to a computer, it will be the fastest computer that can produce an output. In order for the speed to be possible, the mind will utilize the use of trances to make the body and the brain follow quickly.

This is best describe by something itchy in your body, maybe a mosquito bite close to your left eye, your mind automatically identifies the area and sends your hand to scratch that area of the face without having to analyze where, what and how many eyes you have. In reality if you break down that action, you will have so many information involved, but the mind has already calculated everything for you and made you react in trance.

This happens to many things all day every day, we utilize these trances to survive, to keep up to speed with life and ultimately to survive.

However, not all our reactions are in forms of trances, there are still plenty that does not get automatic interpretation, that requires a little more thinking before forming a reaction.

Now let us go back to what we earlier mentioned about emotions charging a memory that is within the implicit storage of the mind. They also form our trances and regular reactions.

In other words, those memories with intense emotional charge becomes a basis for your survival as well. Say for example, you were in a bad accident, a red car hit you as you are crossing the street.

After recovery, your mind will automatically put you into hyperaware mode every time you are crossing the street. You will somehow be in trance and remember quite well how painful the accident was. As you go through those memories quickly, your mind places you in trance to vividly “remember” so you be careful, or you be scared and not cross.

It depends on the intensity of the trance, if it is extreme, it might cause you to develop phobia and never cross a street again no matter how safe. If not, then you can easily move out of the trance and continue crossing the street. Our coping mechanisms are unique, it is a prerequisite on how well we perform in life, but like anything within the mind, it can be changed and trained through Eutaptics memory reimprinting. That also explains why the imprints of trauma become a big deal.

Psychological traumas can be mild, moderate or severe but that does not define the experience itself. Meaning a mild and relatively safe (for other people) experience can severely traumatize another person.

Same is true that an extreme experience that is life threatening can only mildly affect another person. This is coping skills, and the development of coping mechanism dates back since you were an infant and it has so much to do with our families, culture, environments and other predetermining factors.

But all of it is changeable and not permanent in nature because it is in the mind. All emotions, mental skills, intelligence, sharpness and dullness of the mind is subject to rise and fall, since they are not permanent, they can be trained, reimprinted and retrained over and over until positive transformation is achieved.

Reimprinting the Memories of Trauma Through Eutaptics

For people who are experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, life can be so difficult. It is hard to identify with the true nature of yourself because it seems that a tragic episode has become part of you, it has become “the you that you know” somehow. It becomes your speech, your actions and dominates your mind and takes over your entire life.

Sorry to disappoint your assumptions, but your past has nothing to do with your future or your current life. It is impossible to progress in life without learning how to let go. You have to destroy the idea that what defines you is a tragic experience.

You are a powerful being capable of any kind of change. You are a being equipped with faculties enough be able to take control of your own life. Your past doesn’t have to control you, your “trances” coming from negative experiences does not have to determine what kind of person you are.

Take a bold step today and let Robert G. Smith through Eutaptics allow you to break free. So, from now on you change your mental script about yourself, stop saying a “I am __________, a victim of ___________.” Learn how to boldly step out of the shadows of your past saying, “I am ___________, a survivor and will keep on surviving.”

Eutaptics PTSD-Specific Sessions with Robert Smith

Robert is a known expert stressbuster among the international community of healers. Allow the same man who has helped thousands of people light your way out of the dark episode in your life living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The most amazing thing with Robert’s sessions is that he has a way to clear your mind without having to re-traumatize you as memories of the event are tackled.

His PTSD-Specific sessions may be done 1-on-1 or through the phone and internet. Help does not have to be complicated, allow natural healing by Robert Smith become a part of your life today.

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Learn from hundreds of blog post on how you can improve your life at Eutaptics Main Blog and Eutaptics Medium Publication.

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